Wednesday, March 01, 2006

We are not these Victorian Era links

The Victorian Web The University Scholars Programme, National University of Singapore
Since January 2000, the University Scholars Programme (USP), a highly selective honors program at the National University of Singapore, has supported the Victorian Web's two websites. Between January 2000 and December 2001 the USP also funded two senior research fellows, Dr. Marjorie Bloy and Dr. Jon van Whye, and a half dozen student assistants, who worked on The Victorian Web Books section and other major projects, including the site's materials on science, technology, and political and social history.

Literary Resources This site is maintaine by Jack Lynch of Rutgers. Most of the sites that are listed include the responsible party along with their academic credentials.

Norton Anthology The Norton Anthology of English Literature offers some excellent information about the Victorian Age in reference to its literature.

The Victorian Literary Studies Archive Mitsuharu Matsuoka of the school of Language and Culture at Nagoya University in Japan has put together a list of well-documented links on Victorian Literature.


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